





I would like to sort the whole dataset instead of page by page sorting.But for some reason it is sorting page by page instead of the whole dataset.Could you please help me in this issue.Iam using a grouping store.

    var store = new FMP.AspNetJsonStore({
        fields: [
                       { name: 'AssetID' },
                       { name: 'AssociationID' },
                       { name: 'Image' },
                       { name: 'StatusName' },
                       { name: 'ModelName' },
                       { name: 'IPAddress' },
                       { name: 'InScope', type: 'boolean' },
                       { name: 'ServicePlanName' },
                       { name: 'PricePlanName' },
                       { name: 'PricePlanDescription' },
                       { name: 'Program' },
                       { name: 'ServicePlanID' },
                       { name: 'Customer' },
                       { name: 'Black', type: 'float' },
                       { name: 'Cyan', type: 'float' },
                       { name: 'Magenta', type: 'float' },
                       { name: 'Yellow', type: 'float' },
                       { name: 'BlackPct' },
                       { name: 'CyanPct' },
                       { name: 'MagentaPct' },
                       { name: 'YellowPct' },
                       { name: 'PrinterMarkerSupplies' },
                       { name: 'PageCount' },
                       { name: 'BlackImpressions' },
                       { name: 'ColorImpressions' },
                       { name: 'PricePlanID' },
                       { name: 'ResponsibilityForAction' },
                       { name: 'PrinterSerialNumber' }


        totalProperty: "TotalCount",
        autoLoad: { params: { start: 0, limit: myPageSize} },
        //autoLoad: true,
        proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
            // Call web service method using GET syntax
            url: 'GetPrintersGrid.asmx/buildGrid',
            // Ask for Json response
            headers: { 'Content-type': 'application/json' },
            method: "GET"
        //remoteSort: true,
        sortInfo: { field: 'PageCount', direction: "DESC" },
        groupField: 'Customer',
        root: 'Records'

Here is my web service.

public PagedResult<FMPAsset> buildGrid(int start, int limit)
 Guid AccountID = (Guid)Session["AccountID"];
 string whereClause = "SELECT value a FROM XSP_AssetList_V AS a WHERE a.AccountID = GUID'" + AccountID + "'";
 List<FMPAsset> fmpAssets = new List<FMPAsset>();

 using (XSPAssetModel.XSPAssetEntities assetEntities = new XSPAssetEntities(b.BuildEntityConnectionString1("XSMDSN")))
  ObjectQuery<XSP_AssetList_V> assets = new ObjectQuery<XSP_AssetList_V>(whereClause, assetEntities);
  var assetPage = assets.OrderBy(x=>x.StatusName).Skip(start).Take(limit);
  var totalAssetCount = assets.Count();

  currentAssets = assetPage.ToList();
  int currentAssetsCount = currentAssets.Count;
  string imgprefix = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ImgPrefix"];
  char[] separators = { '/' };
  string appname = "";
  int lastloc = imgprefix.Substring(0, imgprefix.Length - 1).LastIndexOfAny(separators);
  if (lastloc > 6)
   appname = imgprefix.Substring(lastloc + 1);

  FMPAsset asset = new FMPAsset();

  //StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("C:\\test.txt");

  XSPPrinterMarkerSupplyModel.XSPPrinterMarkerSupplyEntities markerCtx = new XSPPrinterMarkerSupplyModel.XSPPrinterMarkerSupplyEntities(b.BuildEntityConnectionString1("XSMDSN"));

  for (int x = 0; x < currentAssetsCount; x++)
   asset = new FMPAsset();

   asset.AssetID = currentAssets[x].AssetID.ToString();
   asset.PricePlanID = currentAssets[x].PricePlanID.ToString();
   asset.AssociationID = currentAssets[x].AssociationID;
   asset.ModelName = currentAssets[x].ModelName;
   asset.ResponsibilityForAction = currentAssets[x].ResponsibilityForAction;
   asset.IPAddress = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAssets[x].PrinterIPAddress)) ? "No IP" : currentAssets[x].PrinterIPAddress; ;

       Guid id = currentAssets[x].AssetID;

   asset = SetCMYKvalues(asset, x);

   BuilldImpressionsValues(currentAssets[x], ref asset);

  var y = new PagedResult<FMPAsset>();
  y.Records =  fmpAssets;
  y.TotalCount = totalAssetCount;
  return y;



I also tried sorting all the records and then returning only first 10 records but i was not able to sort the whole dataset instead it was doing page page .



remoteSort : boolean true if sorting is to be handled by requesting the Proxy to provide a refreshed version of the data object in sorted order, as opposed to sorting the Record cache in place (defaults to false).

Try setting remoteSort to true.

Upper Stage
So, it appears your problem is with the OVER clause. I suggest extracting your SQL (you have done this already) and using the console for your database to fix the SQL (or reconfig the database). When that is working, return the new new SQL into the backend code and try again.
Upper Stage

I tried this before but when i say remoteSort: true, sortInfo: { field: 'PageCount', direction: "DESC" },

columns are not getting sorted in any way

So, the problem is on the backend? Have you examined the reponse from the server? Is it ordered as you expect? When you "flip the remoteSort bit," it becomes the responsibility of the backend to sort.
Upper Stage
When i say remoteSort: true we get extra params sort and dir Can you please let me know how to sort the list asset using thse two parameters.in the object query i have written like this.string whereClause = "SELECT value a FROM XSP_AssetList_V AS a WHERE a.AccountID = GUID'" + AccountID + "' order by '" + sort + dir + "'" ;
I suspect you need a space after sort and before dir. (Should you also have a space after GUID? )
Upper Stage

instead i i did in this manner var xg = Ext.grid; Ext.override(Ext.grid.GridPanel, { applyState: function(state) { var cm = this.colModel; var cs = state.columns; if (cs) { for (var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++) { var s = cs[i]; var c = cm.getColumnById(s.id); if (c) { c.hidden = s.hidden; c.width = s.width; var oldIndex = cm.getIndexById(s.id); if (oldIndex != i) { cm.moveColumn(oldIndex, i); } } } } if (state.sort) { this.storethis.store.remoteSort ? 'setDefaultSort' : 'sort'; } if (state.group && this.store.groupBy) { this.store.groupBy(state.group); } }, getState: function() { var o = { columns: [] }; for (var i = 0, c; c = this.colModel.config[i]; i++) { o.columns[i] = { id: c.id, width: c.width }; if (c.hidden) { o.columns[i].hidden = true; } } var ss = this.store.getSortState(); if (ss) { o.sort = ss; } if (this.store.getGroupState) { var gs = this.store.getGroupState(); if (gs) { o.group = gs; } } return o; } });

but the whole dataset is not getting sorted it is doing page by page.

Hard to read this - can you edit and reformat as code - use the button provided? (Also, no need to add a new answer to reply; simply add comment.)
Upper Stage

string SortExpression = sortfield + " " + (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortdir) ? sortdir : String.Empty);

string whereClause = "SELECT value a, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY" + " " + SortExpression + ") As RowNumber FROM XSP_AssetList_V AS a WHERE a.AccountID = GUID'" + AccountID + "'";

when i debug this the actual sql query is

"SELECT value a, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY pagecount DESC) As RowNumber FROM XSP_AssetList_V AS a WHERE a.AccountID = GUID'5d6b1eab-1697-de11-a2d1-00505617006d'"

Iam getting an error saying The query syntax is not valid., near identifier 'OVER', line 1, column 30.

Could you please help me in this issue.

Also can you tell me how to post reply as a comment and not answer bacause i dont see an option to add comment to this thread

Below the last comment (or if there are no comments, immediately below the entry) there is a link that reads "add comment." I clicked that to add this comment.What happens when you run this query in a SQL window (or directly on the database)? It appears to me that this is not an ExtJS problem - do you agree?
Upper Stage
OK - now that I found my glasses, I see your SQL. I am not familiar with the OVER keyword. What database are you using?
Upper Stage
MY webservice is working now if i use this query string whereClause = "SELECT value a FROM XSP_AssetList_V AS a WHERE a.AccountID = GUID'" + AccountID + "' Order By a."+SortExpression;But Iam getting an ExtjsInvalid JSON primitive: DESC.