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The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

Hi everyone,

I am a high school student looking for a good book on C++. I already know Java, and I have C++ for dummies, but that book doesn't really do a great job at explaining important things (such as pointers, Memory Managment, etc...). I wouldn't really call myself at an intermediate level of experience in C++ until I learned these things, therefore I seem to be looking for a beginners book

Any help is greatly appreciated.

+4  A: 

The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

Perfect, I did some research and couldn't find that before! Thank you!
With my java background, which group of books should I be looking in? Beginner of Intermediate?
Accelerated C++ would likely be a good choice.
James McNellis
Also, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/789659/what-is-the-best-approach-for-a-java-developer-to-learn-c
+1  A: 

Beginning C++ Game Programming . Curiously this book is rather useless for game programming (unless you want to write a console based poker game, as it doesn't cover graphics or anything like that), but as a C++ learning book it is incredibly useful and easy to follow by the end you'll understand all the mayor features of C++ and how to use the standard library effectively as well as pointers and templates, so its a rather good deal.

Robert Gould

Accelerated C++ by Koenig and Moo. Good introduction to the language by two pros AND starts out with modern C++ techniques (instead of first teaching C, then teaching C++ after all that's done)
