



I have an application that I am building am making use of Horizontal Line (which is just a special case of NSBox). I've placed the component into the interface, but what to adjust the thickness of the line.

NSBox has a setBorderWidth method, but doesn't seem to have this exposed when in Interface Builder. I would prefer not to do this manually, as I don't want to have to maintain an object simply to adjust this single value.

Is there a way to set this via Interface Builder that I am just missing?

Or, failing that, is there a better way to put a Horizontal Line in your UI such that you can control it's attributes via Interface Builder?


On the Attributes pane of the inspector, set the Border Type to Custom. Then on the Size pane, set the border width as needed.

Joshua Nozzi
The Attributes panel does not have a Border Type. When you select "Horizontal Line" it doesn't give as much information as a regular NSBox.
Ah, I see. I misread your intro paragraph. Apologies for the noise.
Joshua Nozzi