FWIW - It's really not very difficult to simply write some KML out to disk and then point GE at it. We did this to take a database of world-wide airport landing strips and have GE "fly" to the end of each runway and take a snapshot, save to disk, and move on.
Here's some similar code we did, for other sites of interest (can't find the runway code just now.)
FILE* pFile = std::fopen(fspec.c_str(),"w");
std::fprintf(pFile,"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");
std::fprintf(pFile,"<kml xmlns=\"http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0\">\n");
std::fprintf(pFile," <Placemark>\n");
std::fprintf(pFile," <name>%s %s %s</name>\n",eosite.Ident.c_str(),epochStr.c_str(),eosite.Nomenclature.c_str());
std::fprintf(pFile," <LookAt>\n");
std::fprintf(pFile," <longitude>%Lf</longitude>\n",lon);
std::fprintf(pFile," <latitude>%Lf</latitude>\n",lat);
std::fprintf(pFile," <range>%0.5Lf</range>\n",aosRange); // range from eye to point site, consider altitude & angle
std::fprintf(pFile," <tilt>%0.5Lf</tilt>\n",(90.L - srtl::radtodeg(aosElev))); // Horizon is down 18 deg at iss typ. altitude
std::fprintf(pFile," <heading>%0.5Lf</heading>\n",srtl::radtodeg(aosAzimuth)); // calc az to target at aos or mel & insert here
std::fprintf(pFile," </LookAt>\n");
std::fprintf(pFile," <styleUrl>root://styles#default</styleUrl>\n");
std::fprintf(pFile," <Point>\n");
std::fprintf(pFile," <coordinates>%Lf,%Lf,%Lf</coordinates>\n", lon, lat, 0.L); // site coords
std::fprintf(pFile," </Point>\n");
std::fprintf(pFile," </Placemark>\n");
pFile = NULL;