



It appears that in PHP objects are passed by reference. Even assignment operators do not appear to be creating a copy of the Object.

Here's a simple, contrived proof:


class A {
    public $b;

function set_b($obj) { $obj->b = "after"; }

$a = new A();
$a->b = "before";
$c = $a; //i would especially expect this to create a copy.


print $a->b; //i would expect this to show 'before'
print $c->b; //i would ESPECIALLY expect this to show 'before'


In both print cases I am getting 'after'

So, how do I pass $a to *set_b()* by value, not by reference?

+5  A: 

According to the docs (

$a = clone $b;

You beat me to it.
+16  A: 

In PHP 5+ objects are passed by reference. In PHP 4 they are passed by value (that's why it had runtime pass by reference, which became deprecated).

You can use the 'clone' operator in PHP5 to copy objects:

$objectB = clone $objectA;

Also, it's just objects that are passed by reference, not everything as you've said in your question...

Eran Galperin
Updated my question, thank you.
Nick Stinemates
+4  A: 

The answers are commonly found in Java books.

  1. cloning: If you don't override clone method, the default behavior is shallow copy. If your objects have only primitive member variables, it's totally ok. But in a typeless language with another object as member variables, it's a headache.

  2. serialization/deserialization

$new_object = unserialize(serialize($your_object))

This achieves deep copy with a heavy cost depending on the complexity of the object.

@yogman: +1 great, great, great way to do a DEEP copy in PHP, very easy too. Let me instead ask you something about the standard shallow copy offered by PHP clone keyword, you said that only primitive member variables gets copied: are PHP arrays/strings considered primitive member variables, so they get copied, am I right?
Marco Demajo
+1  A: 

According to previous comment, if you have another object as a member variable, do following:

class MyClass {
  private $someObject;

  public function __construct() {
    $this->someObject = new SomeClass();

  public function __clone() {
    $this->someObject = clone $this->someObject;


Now you can do cloning:

$bar = new MyClass();
$foo = clone $bar;