I've seen an application that simulates a fullscreen application by removing the title bar and the window borders. I've done some research and found getWindowLongPtr() for that.
Now my question: How can I find and identify the application and get the appropriate window handle? How can I distinguish multiple instances of the application (running from different locations on disc)?
Just to make "simulate" more precise. If you make an application go fullscreen and you click on a different monitor, it minimizes itself. If the application runs in a window and you click on a different monitor, the window is not changed. If you remove the borders of the window and position it on the left or right monitor, you can still work with the other monitor without minimizing the application. Still it looks like the application running fullscreen on one of the monitors.
As an example: you can set Eve (www.eveonline.com) to fullscreen and windowed mode. In fullscreenmode you can not click on a second monitor without Eve minimizing itself. In window mode you can. There are tools like evemover that allow you to setup your window on one monitor, looking like fullscreen, but being in window mode. That's what I want to archieve. Evemover actually provides some of it's source code, that's why I know that removing the border and setting the position is done using the Win32-API with setWindowLongPtr and setWindowPos.