+5  A: 

One simple way is that instead of storing only values in your original Array2D you store a small struct:

struct {
    int value;
    int position;

before you sort the array you store the position in the position variable. For a complete solution try something like this:

struct Element {
    Element() {}
    Element(int value) : value(value) {}
    bool operator < (const Element& rhs) const {return value < rhs.value;}
    int value;
    int position;

Element Array2D[2][5];
Array2D[0][0] = 99;
Array2D[0][1] = 10;
Array2D[0][2] = 97;
Array2D[0][3] = 10;
Array2D[0][4] = 14;
Array2D[1][0] = 73;
Array2D[1][1] = 53;
Array2D[1][2] = 81;
Array2D[1][3] = 22;
Array2D[1][4] = 88;
int elementCount = sizeof(Array2D) / sizeof(Element);
for (int i = 0; i < elementCount; ++i) {
    (&Array2D[0][0])[i].position = i;
std::stable_sort(&Array[0][0], &Array[0][0] + elementCount);
Andreas Brinck
+1 You've gotta save the position to be able to retrieve it, and this is probably the 'tidiest' solution.
Adam Luchjenbroers
Good solution, you could probably consider making position a short unless you're dealing with truly huge arrays.
Just a guess, but likely the compiler would pad it anyway. May as well use an `int`.
@Gman You're correct. Unless you're working on some kind of embedded system this will certainly be the case.
Andreas Brinck

Not sure if this is portable, but on my platform (VC9) I can just treat it as a 1d array and sort as normal, i.e.:

int array2d[2][5];
//fill array...

int *array = (int*)array2d;
//so  array[4] == array2d[0][4]
//and array[6] == array2d[1][1]

//sort as a 1d array using your favourite algorithm
Fire Lancer
This is portable, but it doesn't give you the original position.
Andreas Brinck