



I'm trying to catch a ClassCastException when deserializing an object from xml.


    try {
        restoredItem = (T) decoder.readObject();
    } catch (ClassCastException e){
        //don't need to crash at this point,
       //just let the user know that a wrong file has been passed.

And yet this won't as the exception doesn't get caught. What would you suggest?


I would suggest you not use exception logic at all. Exceptions are for exceptional conditions; I'm not sure the user giving you an incorrect file qualifies.

I think you'd be wiser to use the instanceof operator to check whether the deserialized object is the right type.


Wait, this is no help at all! Totally missed the parametrized type; where I work we're stuck in 1.4-land.

Will Wagner

Well, I can't use instanceof operator as the method is a parametrized one:

public T restore(String from){
restoredItem = (T) decoder.readObject();

And generics in Java are compile-time only.

Wouldn't that suggest that the cast to T is actually done by the caller, not by the method itself?
Chris Jester-Young
Not sure I quite get your point. As a quick hack I return an Object from restore(..) and do an instanceof check at a higher level, no generics involved (as they don't help anyways). Still, this is ugly.
+3  A: 

The code in the question should give you an unchecked cast warning. Listen to -Xlint.

All the compiler knows about T is its bounds, which it probably doesn't have (other than explicitly extending Object and a super of the null type). So effectively the cast at runtime is (Object) - not very useful.

What you can do is pass in an instance of the Class of the parameterised type (assuming it isn't generic).

class MyReader<T> {
    private final Class<T> clazz;
    MyReader(Class<T> clazz) {
        if (clazz == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
        this.clazz = clazz;
    public T restore(String from) {
        try {
            restoredItem = clazz.cast(decoder.readObject());
            return restoredItem;
        } catch (ClassCastException exc) {

Or as a generic method:

    public <T> T restore(Class<T> clazz, String from) {
        try {
            restoredItem = clazz.cast(decoder.readObject());
Tom Hawtin - tackline
+2  A: 

There will not be any ClassCastException, except when your T has some base:

public class GenericsTest
    public static void main(String[] args)
        System.out.println(GenericsTest.<Long> cast(Integer.valueOf(0)));
        System.out.println(GenericsTest.<Long> cast("Hallo"));

        System.out.println(GenericsTest.<Long> castBaseNumber(Integer.valueOf(0)));
        System.out.println(GenericsTest.<Long> castBaseNumber("Hallo"));

    private static <T extends Number> T castBaseNumber(Object o)
        T t = (T)o;
        return t;

    private static <T> T cast(Object o)
        T t = (T)o;
        return t;

In the above example, there will be no ClassCastException in the first 5 calls to cast and castBaseNumber. Only the 6th call throws a ClassCastException, because the compiler effectively translates the cast() to return (Object) o and the castBaseNumber() to return (Number)o;. Wenn you write

String s = GenericsTest.<Long> cast("Hallo");

You would get a ClassCastException, but not whithin the cast-method, but at the assignment to s.

Therefore I do think, your "T" is not just "T", but "T extends Something". So you could check:

Object o = decoder.readObject();
if (o instanceof Something)
    restoredItem = (T) o;
    // Error handling

But this will still lead to an error later, when the you use your class.

public Reader<T extends Number>{...}

Long l = new Reader<Long>("file.xml").getValue(); // there might be the ClassCastException

For this case only Tom's advise might help.

Tobias Schulte

If you can't use instaceof you might be able to use the isAssignableFrom method on Class

John Nilsson