



How do I select 5 random records using nhibernate.

My sql looks like this:

SELECT TOP 5 u.UserId, u.UserName, p.ImageFileName FROM users as u, profiles as p WHERE u.UserId = p.UserId ORDER BY NEWID()

I tried doing this but it doesn't work

IList<User> users = session
                        .Add<Profile>(p => p.ImageFileName != string.Empty)

You can use an SQLQuery:

var query = 
    "SELECT TOP 5 u.UserId, u.UserName, p.ImageFileName " +
    "FROM users as u, profiles as p " +
    "WHERE u.UserId = p.UserId ORDER BY NEWID()";

ISQLQuery qry = session.CreateSQLQuery(query).AddEntity(typeof(User));
List<User> rndUsers = qry.List<User>();
Remi Despres-Smyth
Mind you, the question referred to by Joel Potter in a comment has a more elegant answer.
Remi Despres-Smyth