Hi all,
I am creating instances of a class FlickrImage parsing a Flickr API photos response. The class has a method getLocation that does another API call to get the geolocation:
NSLog(@"getting location for %i",self.ID);
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
OFFlickrAPIRequest *flickrAPIRequest = [[OFFlickrAPIRequest alloc] initWithAPIContext[appDelegate sharedDelegate].flickrAPIContext];
[flickrAPIRequest setDelegate:self];
NSString *flickrAPIMethodToCall = @"flickr.photos.geo.getLocation";
NSDictionary *requestArguments = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:FLICKR_API_KEY,@"api_key",self.ID,@"photo_id",nil];
[flickrAPIRequest callAPIMethodWithGET:flickrAPIMethodToCall arguments:requestArguments];
[pool release];
I have implemented the callback method that would catch the response from the API and update the FlickrImage instance with the geolocation data - but it never gets called. Here's where the instances get created:
NSDictionary *photosDictionary = [inResponseDictionary valueForKeyPath:@"photos.photo"];
NSDictionary *photoDictionary;
FlickrImage *flickrImage;
for (photoDictionary in photosDictionary) {
flickrImage = [[FlickrImage alloc] init];
flickrImage.thumbnailURL = [[appDelegate sharedDelegate].flickrAPIContext photoSourceURLFromDictionary:photoDictionary size:OFFlickrThumbnailSize];
flickrImage.hasLocation = TRUE; // TODO this is actually to be determined...
flickrImage.ID = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[photoDictionary valueForKeyPath:@"id"]];
flickrImage.owner = [photoDictionary valueForKeyPath:@"owner"];
flickrImage.title = [photoDictionary valueForKeyPath:@"title"];
[self.flickrImages addObject:[flickrImage retain]];
[flickrImage release];
[photoDictionary release];
The retain
is there because I thought it might help solve this but it doesn't - and doesn't the NSMutableArray (flickrImages is a NSMutableArray) retain its members anyway?
EDIT I should add that the getLocation
method (first code snippet) is launched in a thread:
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(getLocation) toTarget:self withObject:nil];