




A Python dictionary is stored in no particular order (mappings have no order), e.g.,

>>> myDict = {'first':'uno','second':'dos','third':'tres'}
myDict = {'first':'uno','second':'dos','third':'tres'}
>>> myDict
{'second': 'dos', 'third': 'tres', 'first': 'uno'}

While it is possible to retrieve a sorted list or tuple from a dictionary, I wonder if it is possible to make a dictionary store the items in the order they are passed to it, in the previous example this would mean having the internal ordering as {'first':'uno','second':'dos','third':'tres'} and no different.

I need this because I am using the dictionary to store the values as I read them from a configuration file; once read and processed (the values are altered), they have to be written to a new configuration file in the same order as they were read (this order is not alphabetical nor numerical).

Any thoughts?

Edit: Please notice that I am not looking for secondary ways to retrieve the order (like lists), but of ways to make a dictionary be ordered in itself (as it will be in upcoming versions of Python).

+2  A: 

Use a list to hold the key order

Ofri Raviv
quick and dirty. alas, not very compact (can get brittle).
Daren Thomas
This works, but I am looking for a more "natural" way, if there is one. It seems that the OrderedDict suggested by S.Mark is the alternative I was looking for. Unfortunately I am stuck with Python 2.5.1 :(
Not if you encapsulate the dict and list in a single object with dict interface. Which, by the way, is what many Ordered Dict implementations do (don't know about the implementation actually adopted in 2.7)
Vinko Vrsalovic

Dictionaries in Python are implemented as hash tables, which is why the order appears random. You could implement your own variation of a dict that sorts, but you'd lose out on the convenient syntax. Instead, keep track of the order of the keys, too.


keys = []
myDict = {}

While reading:

myDict[key] = value

While writing:

for key in keys:
  print key, myDict[key]
My keys are not in alphabetical or numerical order :( They can be anything.
You wouldn't need to lose out on any syntax. Simply implement special methods such as __get__() and __set__() etc so enable use of syntax like dict['key'] and dict['key1'] = newvalue.
Isaac Hodes
+8  A: 

Try python 2.7 and above, probably 3.1, there is OrderedDict

>>> from collections import OrderedDict
>>> d = OrderedDict([('first', 1), ('second', 2),
...                  ('third', 3)])
>>> d.items()
[('first', 1), ('second', 2), ('third', 3)]

PEP 372: Adding an ordered dictionary to collections

Thank you, this is very helpful.
You're welcome!
Nice. But keep in mind that is a new feature of an upcoming Python release and is not available in older versions.
... but I'm stuck with 2.5.1 :(
Or get the source code of the OrderedDict from this patch:
If you look at the PEP ( you'll find a list of implementations of ordered dictionaries for older pythons. If performance isn't an issue I'd suggest using their own sample implementation of odict (, which you'll be able to swap for the standard library one if you ever upgrade.
Michael Dunn

Implementations of order-preserving dictionaries certainly do exist.

There is this one in Django, confusingly called SortedDict, that will work in Python >= 2.3 iirc.
