I find CodeRush (Express) to be useful to a point but doesn't really improve my development process. I watched a few videos on adjusting your workflow to suit CodeRush but didn't feel the time investment was justified, especially given the non-transferable nature of most of the changes and the amount of work I do outside of Visual Studio. Refactor was pretty much useless for me.
If you have a bit of time to kill, you might want to check out this site:
There is certainly a lot of things CodeRush/Refactor can help with and usefulness will vary with each person's particular needs. Weigh up how useful the particular features are. If even a small handful of them seem likely to save you a lot of time, go for it. I'd heavily lean towards getting a component suite instead though.
[edit] Remember there are free trials and express versions you can use to help decide if it's worth going with them as well.