



I'm using GraniteDS Actionscript code generation templates that let's me take a Java object and convert it to an Actionscript class.

It's mainly used for BlazeDS Java to Flash communication but I'm adapting it to work with JSON webservices using XStream/JETTISON JSON.

Is it possible to use the Granite DS Groovy templates to inspect annotations on a Java class and use that to generate the code bindings?

For example I create an @XStreamAlias to shorten the class name when sent through JSON, but I need my Actionscript generated classes to support that as well.

public class UnitStack implements Serializable {

I want my Actionscript generated code to be:

package com.webwars.gameplatform.combat.pvp {

    public class UnitStack extends UnitStackBase {

Is this possible with the groovy templates?

I can't seem to find any documentation on what properties are available in the GraniteDS Groovy Template JavaType? The documentation listed on the GraniteDS site for JavaType goes to a broken Javadoc link.

For example in my bean.gsp can I do something like:


    // Use the XStreamAlias annotation as the classname

    def alias = jClass.qualifiedName;
    if (jClass.hasAnnotation("XStreamAlias)) {
      alias = jClass.getAnnotation("XStreamAlias");    


public class ${} extends ${}Base {<%
+1  A: 

I discovered source code for the >> which contains a method to get the Class:

public abstract class JavaAbstractType implements JavaType {
    public Class<?> getType() {
        return type;

So in the Groovy bean.gsp template I modified it to support XStream aliased classes:

 /// Check if class has been Aliased by XStream
 def alias = jClass.qualifiedName;
 def actualClass = jClass.type;

 if (jClass.isAnnotationPresent(
                        com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAlias.class)) {
  com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAlias xstreamAlias = actualClass.getAnnotation(com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAlias.class);
  alias = xstreamAlias.value();
public class ${} extends ${}Base {<%