
Should I invest in GraniteDS for Flex + Java development?

I'm new to Flex development, and RIAs in general. I've got a CRUD-style Java + Spring + Hibernate service on top of which I'm writing a Flex UI. Currently I'm using BlazeDS. This is an internal application running on a local network. It's become apparent to me that the way RIAs work is more similar to a desktop application than a web...

What architecture do I use for a Flex and Java application

Hi I am thinking of migrating a Java/Swing application to Flex3. The existing app architecture is as follows: Java/Swing client, JDO(Kodo) - Java Persistance engine, JMS - Messaging (for real time updates), EJBs - Business logic, Weblogic, UDB - Back-end database I am looking to reuse a lot of the java server side functionality of the ...

How to implement a data-based ComboBox control with GraniteDS?

I'm trying to integrate Seam and Flex with GraniteDS, with the goal of implemenenting a code generation tool for main use cases of CRUD operations. One of my needs is to have the possibility to generate a combo box to reference a parent entity from another. For example, a state combo box in my county edition/creation screen. My first a...

flex security google app engine

I'm building a flex application and want to know the alternatives regarding security. don't want to use spring using graniteds limited access application server ...

Customizing Granite DS Actionscript code generation from Java classes

I'm using GraniteDS Actionscript code generation templates that let's me take a Java object and convert it to an Actionscript class. It's mainly used for BlazeDS Java to Flash communication but I'm adapting it to work with JSON webservices using XStream/JETTISON JSON. Is it possible to use the Granite DS Groovy templates to inspect an...

Actionscript class not found at runtime for BlazeDS communication

We are using GraniteDS autogenerated AS code to map Java remote objects to AS. We have objects that contain List sites in Java so when they are converted to AS it looks like: JAVA: private List<MyObject> territories; Actionscript: private var _territories:ListCollectionView; The trouble is we are using MXML databinding to...

GraniteDS on GAE datastore JPA - Key class problem

I'm using GraniteDS(2.1.0RC2) on GAE with JPA annotiations. I have following class on flex side: [Bindable] [RemoteClass(alias="models.User")] public class User { public var key :String; public var login :String; } and on java side: @Entity public class User { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) priv...

Why is the EntityManager in my GAE + Spring (+graniteds) project reset to null?

Hi all, I'm having a problem with autowiring my EntityManager. Actually at server startup I can see that the injection works ok, though when trying to use my EntityManager it appears to be null again. @Component public class DataDaoImpl { protected EntityManager entityManager; @Autowired public void setEntityManager(EntityManager ent...

Strange compilation error - GAS3 generated class

I am pretty new to GraniteDS..So far I have been able to successfully configure it to work with my remote java services as well as generate the equivalent AS3 files from my POJO's. But I am getting this strange error while building one of the classes using GAS3 [ERROR] C:\TestGDS_All\TestGDS-flex-remoteobjects\target\generated-sources\...

Flex/AIR + GraniteDS through SSL

I am running JBoss with SSL, the certificate is generated with openssl: <Connector protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true" port="8443" address="${jboss.bind.address}" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false" keystoreFile="${jboss.server.home.dir}/conf/chap8.keystore" keystorePass="password" sslPr...

GraniteDS vs BlazeDS which one is more use than the other ?

Since i'm begining to discover this world, I'm wondering which one of those is more use on professional developpement. Would you be kind enough to tell me in order to make some stats ? ...

How do I receive messages in Flex via GraniteDS from dynamically created JMS topics?

I have Java programs running on various machines (A) that should send messages via server (B) to Flex clients running on other machines (C). The server is running a Grails (Java) application on Tomcat with standalone ApacheMQ and the whole setup is currently working nicely using GraniteDS to communicate between Grails and Flex. (The way ...

[Flex][GraniteDS] Flex side error : Didn't receive an acknowledge message

Hi all, I've this error when I try to load a list of "Product" in a simple DataGrid : Didn't receive an acknowledge message Was expecting mx.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage, but received null After several tests I'm pretty sure now that it's a mapping issue, and as I'm not used to annotations, maybe it comes from here, here are...

How do you use Parsley with GraniteDS in Flex?

I want to use the Parsley framework and I want to use GraniteDS for remoting. As of 2.1, GraniteDS generates AS3 service classes from your Java code as local proxies, and I want to use these classes in Parsley. I can successfully inject the service classes with Parsley but when I call any of their methods I get a null object error at o...