I'm a fairly novice obj-c developer and have a question on how to set up a client-server relationship. I'm designing (mostly as a hobby) a board game to be played over the internet with friends and family (think monopoly). My problem: how do I set up the appropriate client-server relationship to have one server with multiple clients?
My thinking was to have one server contain all the information on the state of the game as well as send appropriate messages to a variety of objects through Cocoa's excellent distributed objects framework. However, I can't figure out how to have one server accept multiple clients.
firstConnection = [NSConnection defaultConnection];
[firstConnection setRootObject: firstPlayer];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] run];
But then what? Is there a way to tell the run loop to stop when a client is attached? I'd like to avoid multiple threading if possible as that would be a whole new complication to learn and this project is already challenging enough!
Any help would be greatly appreciated and I'd be happy to clarify anything at all if necessary.
Thanks in advance.