




One of our rules is that all database joins have to be ANSI-style. As part of our build process I would like to scan all joins committed to source control for violations.

I got a partial answer which I will post below but I'm sure its missing something and there must be a better one.

Here is a non-comprehensive list of examples

Should match:

FROM cats, owners, dogs
WHERE cats.owner = onwers.id and owners.id += dogs.owner;

SELECT * FROM cats c, owners o WHERE c.owner = o.id;

Should not match:

FROM owners left outer join cats on (owners.id = cats.owner);

   FROM owners inner join cats on (cats.owners = GetOnersOfTabbies(param1, parm2))

Here is my attempt:

FROM (\s*\S+\s*(\w\s*)*,)+

Should pick up the first comma in a from clause - these are necessary for old style joins.

George Mauer
you could to add this into your question, as you already tried this before
Rubens Farias
If you view stack-overflow as programmer tech-support yes, if you view it as a 'repository of programming knowledge' then it belongs in answers. It is after all a valid answer, just not (I suspect) a particularly good one. I'm actually hoping a better one gets voted past it.
George Mauer
I think in this case, it would have been more clear to put it in the question. That way we know what you have tried without having to look for your name in the answers.
+2  A: 

Well, here I go:

FROM [\s\S]*?,[\s\S]*?WHERE

Will match a , between FROM and WHERE clauses even inside a multi line query.

[\s\S]*? means: take smallest possible match for whitespace characters (including line-breaks) and non-whitespaces; this is also known as "non-greedy pattern".

Rubens Farias
hmm...whats *? mean?
George Mauer
+1  A: 

Here's my regex:


Ruben's answer didn't work for me in my regex tester.

\s     == space character
\s+    == 1+ space character(s)
(\s+)? == Within the brackets is optional, reqires a "?" immediately after the ")"
\w     == word character, alphanumeric

To catch SELECT * FROM (cats c, owners o) WHERE c.owner = o.id;, use:


You need to escape the bracket, using the \ character:

(\()?  == '(' character
OMG Ponies
Hmm, won't catch something like: SELECT * FROM (cats c, owners o) WHERE c.owner = o.id;
George Mauer