


+1  Q: 

Paypal return URL

I'm programming a PHP site with Paypal integration and I've stumbled into a problem with the return url. I need users to be returned back to a specific url on my site after in the final step. I have things in my session variables that need to be moved into a database.

The problem is, the Paypal secure form that has the "return" button is submitting to my site, which is not secure, so the web-browser complains with an SSL warning. This does not look at all good for my not so technical visitors who might suspect there is a security problem. Some may not even click to continue back to my site, which will be very bad as my db will not get updated.

I'm wondering what my options are here? Will that warning message disappear if I make the return pages use SSL?


Yes. Get an SSL certificate for your site and that error message will go away.

Mike Atlas