I have the following jquery code specified:
$('#firstbox ul.checkboxlist input[type="checkbox"]').live('click',function(){
$(this).parents('li').remove().clone().prependTo('#secondbox ul.checkboxlist').animate({backgroundColor: '#FAEA96'},100, function(){$(this).animate({backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF'},800);});
It takes the li, removes it, and puts it into a second box when you click the checkbox. Works fine in IE. Also it works fine if I click the text on the label. However if I directly click the checkbox on firefox, firefox slows right down for about 10/15 seconds and logs these errors:
Warning: Expected number or percentage in rgb() but found 'NaN'. Error in parsing value for 'background-color'. Declaration dropped. Line: 0
Firebug returns Too much recursion.
Why is it different if I click the label to when I click the actual checkbox?