I want to show my polar axes on top of the filled contour plot. Here is my main code.
b=polar([0 2*pi], [0 sqrt((max(X(log1))+5)^2+(max(Y(log2))+5)^2)]);
hold on;
cl = [-6:1:0]; g=contourf(xi,yi,zi,cl);
colormap jet;
colorbar('YLim', [-7 0],'YTickLabel',{'0','.000001','.00001','.0001','.001','.01','.1','1'});
Basically it plots the polar graph, holds it, and then plots the filled contour plot. It works fine except I want the axes/grid and labels from the polar graph on top of the filled contour plot. Right now they just sit under the filled contour and can not be seen.
Is there a way to make the polar grid lines for the radii and angles display on top of my filled contour plot?