




I have for example, a Lua table/object:


And this Lua table has a function inside it called chew, that takes a parameter


I have also used SWIG, and have for example a class CPerson:

class CPerson {
        // ....
        void Eat();
        // ....

I can obtain an instance of this object from Lua:

person = engine:getPerson()

What I need to be able to do is the following Lua code:

person = engine:getPerson()

Where person:eat would call the chew function in the bannana table, passing a parameter.

Since CPerson is implemented in C++, what changes are needed to implement Eat() assuming the CPerson class already has a Lua state pointer?

Edit1: I do not want to know how to bind C++ classes to Lua, I already have SWIG to do this for me, I want to know how to call Lua functions inside Lua tables, from C++.

Edit2: The CPerson class and bannana table, are both general examples, it can be assumed that the CPerson class already has a LuaState pointer/reference, and that the function signature of the Eat method can be changed by the person answering.


Maybe "Simpler Cpp Binding" will be helpful.

this doesnt help me, all this tells me is how to pass literals, how to bind C++ to lua with luna, and how to pass C++ objects around with lua.
Tom J Nowell
What I asked for, is how to call a method on a lua table from C++, I already have SWIG to bind C++ to lua for me
Tom J Nowell
what is the exact signature of the CPerson's Eat method (generated by SWIG, I suppose ?) From what I undersand, what you want is the CPerson class to get the 'bannana' lua table, right ? I think for that you need to get a handler on the corresponding luaState ...
its an example, the person who answers the question is free to meddle with the definition of CPerson::Eat as is necessary, it is safe to assume the LuaState has already been passed to the CPerson object beforehand, and that only one such LuaState is present.
Tom J Nowell
+2  A: 

Ignoring any error checking ...

lua_getglobal(L, "banana"); // or get 'banana' from person:Eat()
lua_getfield(L, -1, "chew");
lua_pushinteger(L, 5);
lua_pcall(L, 1, 0, 0);