Once you've got the JPEG in memory (using ImageMagick, GD, or your graphic library of choice), you'll need to upload the object from memory to S3.
Many PHP S3 classes seem to only support file uploads, but the one at Undesigned seems to do what we're after here -
// Manipulate image - assume ImageMagick, so $im is image object
$im = new Imagick();
// Get image source data
// Upload an object from a resource (requires size):
$s3->putObject($s3->inputResource($im->getimageblob(), $im->getSize()),
$bucketName, $uploadName, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ);
If you're using GD instead, you can use
imagecreatefromstring to read an image in from a stream, but I'm not sure whether you can get the size of the resulting object, as required by s3->inputResource
above - getimagesize returns the height, width, etc, but not the size of the image resource.