Trying to learn some f# and I've run into a couple of hangups.
Here's the code:
module HtmlModule
type HtmlString(text:string) =
override x.ToString() = text
type HtmlAttribute(key:string, value:string) =
inherit HtmlString(key + "=\"" + value + "\"");
type HtmlElement(tag: string, ?contents:list<'a> when 'a :> HtmlString) =
inherit HtmlString("")
let innerContents = defaultArg contents []
let castToHtmlAttribute (hs:HtmlString) : Option<HtmlAttribute> =
match hs with
| :? HtmlAttribute as temp -> Some(temp)
| _ -> None
member x.tag = tag
member x.contents = innerContents |> List.filter(fun x -> (castToHtmlAttribute x).IsNone)
member x.attributes = innerContents |> x -> (castToHtmlAttribute x)) |> List.filter(fun x-> x.IsSome) |> x->x.Value)
override x.ToString() =
let sb = System.Text.StringBuilder()
sb.Append("<" + x.tag)
for att in x.attributes do
sb.Append(" " + att.ToString())
for item in x.contents do
sb.Append("</" + x.tag + ">")
let element tag contents = new HtmlElement(tag, contents)
let div contents = element "div" contents
let p contents = element "p" contents
let text text = new HtmlString(text)
let attr key value = new HtmlAttribute(key, value)
let classes value = attr "class" value
and a quick console program to show the problem:
open HtmlModule
let stuff = [for a in 1 .. 10 do yield p [text ("some String " + a.ToString())]]
let elem = div [
attr "class" "someClass";
text "This is some inner text";
div stuff;
let result = elem.ToString()
printfn "%A" result
the compiler will not allow the the line
div stuff;
it states "Error 7 Type mismatch. Expecting a HtmlString list but given a HtmlElement list The type 'HtmlString' does not match the type 'HtmlElement'"
This problem can be tracked to the "castToHtmlAttribute" method signature
let castToHtmlAttribute (hs:HtmlString) : Option<HtmlAttribute> =
if I make this line more generic like so
let castToHtmlAttribute (hs:'a when 'a :> HtmlString) : Option<HtmlAttribute> =
I get a new error, "Error 2 This runtime coercion or type test from type 'a to HtmlAttribute involves an indeterminate type based on information prior to this program point. Runtime type tests are not allowed on some types. Further type annotations are needed."
Any help is appreciated.