




Using osql command, SSQL backup of a database is created. It is saved to Disk. Then renamed to match the date of the day backup was taken. All these files are saved in a single folder all the time.

for example: Batch1.bat does the following 1) Created backup.bak 2) renamed to backup 12-13-2009.bak (this is done by the combination of % ~ - etc to get the date parameter)

This is now automated to take backup everyday by Task scheduler in Windows.

Can the batch file also be modified to delete backup files older than 7 days? if so, how ?

If it is not possible via batch file, other than manually deleting the files are there any other alternatives to automate the deleting job ?

Thanks in advance, Balaji S


I'm using the same technique to make a backup from database. I've created a stored procedure as follows.

Create Procedure [dbo].[CreateBackup]

 Declare @path nvarchar(256),
            @filename nvarchar(256),
   @currentDateTime datetime

 Set @currentDateTime = GetDate()
 Set @path = 'C:\DBBackup\'
 Set @filename = @path + Cast(DatePart(month, @currentDateTime) As nvarchar) + Cast(DatePart(day, @currentDateTime) As nvarchar) + '.bak'

 Backup Database Foo To Disk = @filename

 Set @currentDateTime = DateAdd(day, -3, @currentDateTime)
 Set @filename = 'del ' + @path + Cast(DatePart(month, @currentDateTime) As nvarchar) + Cast(DatePart(day, @currentDateTime) As nvarchar) + '.bak'

 Exec xp_cmdshell @filename


To use the xp_cmdshell, you should enable it before.


Mehdi Golchin
I like your logic of backing up and deleting files. I have few questions on this 1) This creates a procedure in the database, rather than creating this as a procedure, can this be executed from DOS prompt some how without creating it as a procedure?2) xp_cmdshell being a SQL 2005 command, how can I get this working on SQL 2000 ?Regards,Bala
Yes, you can create a sql batch file and write the sp's body to it. Afterward, write a batch file for windows to execute the sql batch file through `sqlcmd -i 'sql batch file name'` command and schedule it to run everyday. I think the Sql 2000 supports the `xp_cmdshell`. But, I haven't checked it on the Sql 2000 as yet. Check http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa260689(SQL.80).aspx and http://bytes.com/topic/sql-server/answers/599329-xp_cmdshell-sql-server-2000-a and http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic811824-8-1.aspx.
Mehdi Golchin

enter code hereThis procedure backup given database(s) for specified @retentionPeriod to a given network location (or local)

    USE [master]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[scrDoRemoteBackup]    Script Date: 12/13/2009 09:20:20 ******/

ALTER                proc [dbo].[scrDoRemoteBackup] as
set NoCount on
declare @dbName Varchar(100)
   ,@fName varchar(100)
   ,@RetentionPeriod Int -- in days 
   ,@i int
   ,@n int
   ,@NetPath varchar(400)
   ,@BackupSetName Varchar(300)
   ,@params nvarchar(300)
   ,@q nvarchar(3400)
   ,@cmd nvarchar(4000)
   ,@error int
Declare @DataBases2Backup table(id int identity(1,1),dbName Varchar(100))

-- total back time 4:24 2nd Nov 06
set @NetPath='\\rapidsnet01s\RapidsDbBackup'
set @netPath='\\mail1\RapidsDbBackup'
set @netPath = '\\rapidsweb02p\Backup'
set @netPath='\\BUP2D-2K\_RapidsDB$\SAABZXO1D' -- 26th Feb 2008 - ap/li rapidsweb02p\backup space runout
set @netPath='\\saacsfs\RapidsBackup\SAABZXo1d' -- 22nd Oct 2009
---- insert all databaes to be backed up
--Insert @DataBases2Backup select 'Rapids'
--Insert @DataBases2Backup select 'GDC'
--Insert @DataBases2Backup select 'Master'
----Insert @DataBases2Backup select 'GDCComDev'
--Insert @DataBases2Backup select 'saaNCP'
----Insert @DataBases2Backup select 'US_Reps'
--Insert @DataBases2Backup select 'saaPackageWorx'
--Insert @DataBases2Backup select 'saaExtract'
Insert @DataBases2Backup select 'Master'
Insert @DataBases2Backup select 'QuickPickDBprod'
Insert @DataBases2Backup select 'QuickPickDBStaging'

--Set @RetentionPeriod = 13
Set @RetentionPeriod = 6  -- For Terry McCraith   Jan06'09
select @n= count(*) from @DataBases2Backup
set @i = 1;

-- Set the Network path for the Backup location ; 
-- ( re-establish the connection if the connection was broken)
set @q = 'net use '+@Netpath --+' * /USER:[email protected]'
print @q
exec master.dbo.xp_cmdShell @q

While @i <= @n
  select @dbName=dbName from @DataBases2Backup where id = @i
  -- Get the backupset name prior to Retention Period 
  set @BackupSetName=@dbName+ dbo.fnGetDateNameBefore(GetDate(),@RetentionPeriod)
  -- Delete the old backup device
  set @q='Del '+@NetPath+'\'+@BackupSetName+'.bkp'
  exec master.dbo.xp_cmdShell @q
  -- Now get the current backupset name and backit up
  set @BackupSetName=@dbName+ dbo.fnGetDateNameBefore(GetDate(),0)
   set @fname = @netPath +'\'+@BackupSetName+'.bkp'
  print 'Fname ='+@fname
  Print 'Drop and Add Dumpdevice ' + @dbname + ' Fname='+@fname
  exec @error=sp_dropDevice @dbname  
  print 'Error drop device-----------'+Convert(varchar,@error)+':'+Convert(varchar,@@error)

  exec @error=sp_addumpDevice 'disk',@dbName,@fname 
  exec sp_helpdevice @dbName
  print 'Error -----------'+Convert(varchar,@error)
  set @i=@i+1
  if @error <> 0
   print 'send alert'
      exec  saabzt01p.alerts.dbo.prDispatchAlertV2 'RemoteDBBackupError' ,@@servername,'test','RemoteDBBackupError','test'

    Backup Log @dbname with truncate_only
    Backup Database @dbname to @dbname with format
   if @@Error <> 0
    print 'Send alert'
    exec  saabzt01p.alerts.dbo.prDispatchAlertV2 'RemoteDBBackupError',@@servername,'test','RemoteDBBackupError','test'
        Goto Errors


And here are supporting functions

-- This function returns oldest data set name compared to retentionPeriod
Create     function [dbo].[fnGetDateNameBefore](@d Datetime,@nDays int) returns varchar(40) as
 declare @OD datetime
    ,@dName Varchar(40);

 set @OD=DateAdd(dd,@nDays * -1,@d)

 select @dName= DateName(yy,@od)+Left(DateName(Month,@od),3)+DateName(dd,@od)
 Return @dName

-- This function returns oldest data set name compared to retentionPeriod Create function [dbo].fnGetDateNameBefore returns varchar(40) as Begin declare @OD datetime ,@dName Varchar(40);

set @OD=DateAdd(dd,@nDays * -1,@d)

select @dName= DateName(yy,@od)+Left(DateName(Month,@od),3)+DateName(dd,@od) Return @dName end


If you have RoboCopy (part of the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools) installed.

The following lines can be added to your Batch1.bat file to move and delete files older than seven days:

ROBOCOPY C:\Temp\New C:\Temp\Old *.* /move /minage:7
DEL C:\Temp\Old\*.*

The first row moves all files that are older than seven days in the 'New' folder to the 'Old' folder.

The second row deletes all files in the 'Old' folder

Robert Mearns
Move is cut and pasteminage 7: excludes files older than 7 days. 1 Question though, (I dont have robocopy to test)Imagine I have 10 files from last 10 days each day a file was created. Up on executing the above line, latest 7 day files are moved over from Source to Destination. (good) and they are deleted at source. (Awesome). but in the interval (when robocopy is run again) next 10 day period or so when there is another batch of 7 latest files copied over. What happens to the first set of files at destination. They will remain there, isn't it ? making it total of 14 files at destination.
I left the ECHO in the third line from when I was testing, which would stop the moved files being deleted. Answer edited.
Robert Mearns
+2  A: 

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