



How can I change the core.editor of Git to start a program such as Smultron?

All I can find are examples for terminal editors or TextMate.


You only see terminal and TextMate examples because TextMate provides a terminal program to interface with it from the command line. If Smultron provides a similar program, you can use it the same way you use "mate." If not, then you can't make Smultron work with core.editor.

Steve Johnson
Do you know of any other text editors that have such a command?
Tanner Smith
+3  A: 

You can open a file in Smultron with open


git config core.editor "open -nW -a Smultron"


Added the -nW parameters to have a new Smultron open and wait for it to close

This opens Smultron, though git quits early and returns:"Aborting commit due to empty commit message."
Tanner Smith
Added the -nW to fix this
Also --global would be a good idea otherwise you risk setting the editor just for the current project.
Mike Weller
Thanks! Worked perfectly.And it appears Smultron has no more support in development. Hmf.
Tanner Smith