



I'm trying to write develop audio related application. In that, I'm using AudioToolBox framework for recording the sound. And I'm using AVFramework to play soudns. When app is stared, it will play some mp3 file using AVFramework. And also initializes Audiotoolbox. In simulator, I'm able to record and play. But when I'm testing it on iPhone, I'm getting following error for initializing AudioToolBox.

2009-12-11 22:25:51.599 StoryBook[807:207] AudioRecorder init AudioSessionInitialize failed with error: 1768843636

Can some one tell me whether we can use both AV as well as Audio Toolbox frame works in one application? Why I'm getting that error?


If you want to record and play at the same time, you should change your audio session category. By default it allows you only to play sound.

NSError* err;
[[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord error:*err];

No, my intention is not to record and play at the same time. I'm recording using audio queue services and playing with AVFramework.
why don't you use AVAudioRecorder in this case?