You need to use Core Animation on the view layer instead of using the UIView animation proxy. CAKeyframeAnimation will enable you to create key frames for your animation and it enables you to specify key times (keyTimes property in the CAKeyframeAnimation class) that determine how much time it should take between key frames.
The trick there is that your first key frame will not be the end transform, but rather some intermediate value for the transform. Your final key frame will have your ending transform. You specify with the key time when the next key frame should begin. If your total duration is 40 seconds and you want the first change in speed to occur 10 seconds into the animation, you specify that change as your second key frame value and specify 0.25 as your key time assuming you wanted it to take a quarter of the full duration.
From the docs:
An optional array of NSNumber objects
that define the duration of each
keyframe segment.
@property(copy) NSArray *keyTimes
Each value in the array is a floating
point number between 0.0 and 1.0 and
corresponds to one element in the
values array. Each element in the
keyTimes array defines the duration of
the corresponding keyframe value as a
fraction of the total duration of the
animation. Each element value must be
greater than, or equal to, the
previous value.
The appropriate values in the keyTimes
array are dependent on the
calculationMode property.
If the calculationMode is set to
kCAAnimationLinear, the first value in
the array must be 0.0 and the last
value must be 1.0. Values are
interpolated between the specified
If the calculationMode is set to
kCAAnimationDiscrete, the first value
in the array must be 0.0.
If the calculationMode is set to
kCAAnimationPaced, the keyTimes array
is ignored.
If the values in the keyTimes array
are invalid or inappropriate for the
calculationMode, the keyTimes array is
Best regards.