



I have a query that looks something like this (I've changed the table names):

select @user_id
,      isnull(ur.rule_value, isnull(manr.rule_value, def.rule_value)) [rule_value]
,      isnull(, isnull(, [rule_type]
from   (select @user_id [user_id]
        , rule.rule_value
        from rule
        join rule_type on rule_type.rule_type_id = rule.rule_type_id
        where rule.user_id = 1) def
join   user on user.user_id = def.user_id
join   manager man on man.manager_id = user.manager_id
left join rule ur on ur.user_id = user.user_id
left join rule_type urt on urt.rule_type_id = ur.rule_type_id
left join rule manr on manr.manager_id = man.manager_id
left join rule_type manrt on manrt.rule_type_id = manr.rule_type_id

What I'm expecting is that when there isn't a rule for the user or the user's manager, then the default rule should be used. However, I'm only getting a result if the user has a rule.

I've tried left joining everything but to no avail, and the select statement for the def table brings back all the default rules.

What am I doing wrong?

@user_id is a variable.


Example of schema

rule_id user_id manager_id rule_value
1    1  1   27
2    1  1   24
3    1  1   25
4    1  1   44
5    1  1   88
1    2  4   2
2    2  4   23
3    2  4   18
3    NULL 4   19
4    NULL 4   20
5    NULL 4   21

rule_id name
1    'Craziness'
2    'Number of legs'
3    'Hair ranking'
4    'Banana preference'
5    'Rule 5'

user_id manager_id ... other columns
1    1
2    4
3    4

manager_id ... other columns

So if @user_id is 2 then I would expect the output

2, 2, 'Craziness'
2, 23, 'Number of legs'
2, 18, 'Hair ranking'
2, 20, 'Banana preference'
2, 21, 'Rule 5'

But if @user_id is 3 then I would expect the output

3, 27, 'Craziness'
3, 24, 'Number of legs'
3, 19, 'Hair ranking'
3, 20, 'Banana preference'
3, 21, 'Rule 5'
+1  A: 

A regular join is actually a left inner join. What you actually want is an outer join, which fetches the result, even if it cannot join it with the other table.

+1  A: 

To answer the question in the title, a LEFT JOIN does NOT act like a REGULAR JOIN. The LEFT JOIN is the same as the LEFT OUTER JOIN, meaning will also return the records in the LEFT table that don't match the ON criteria.

then why isn't that happening in my query?
Matt Ellen
Your inner select only returns userId's that actually do have a rule. You might want to say "where rule.user_id = 1 OR rule.user_id is NULL" to have users with no rules returned.
The query that produces the def table gives the right number of rows. I'm not sure how the extra OR clause will help.
Matt Ellen
to add further clarification: user_id 1 has all the rules. Thanks for your help so far.
Matt Ellen
+1  A: 

Get rid of this :

left join rule ur on ur.user_id = user.user_id
left join rule_type urt on urt.rule_type_id = ur.rule_type_id
left join rule manr on manr.manager_id = man.manager_id
left join rule_type manrt on manrt.rule_type_id = manr.rule_type_id

and replace it with this :

left join rule ur on ur.user_id = user.user_id or ur.user_id = man.manager_id
left join rule_type urt on urt.rule_type_id = ur.rule_type_id

then change your opening SELECT to :

select @user_id
,      isnull(ur.rule_value, def.rule_value) [rule_value]
,      isnull(, [rule_type]

Essentially what you're doing wrong is that you have one entity (user-manager-default) and you're trying to link it to a different entity (rule) via two different joins. If one join doesn't work but the other does, there's no matching NULL returned for your ISNULL to find. It's a little counter-intuitive.

+1 this got me to my eventual answer
Matt Ellen

I've split the query into two parts.

I think because the table structures are more complicated than I put into the original question, this means that CodeByMoonlight's answer isn't quite enough - it was giving me duplicate rows that I couldn't account for.

My solution is as follows (with respect to the details I gave in the question):

create table #user_rules
 user_id int,
 rule_value int,
 rule_type varchar(255),
--Insert default values
insert into #user_rules
select @user_id [user_id]
    , rule.rule_value
    , rule_type.rule_type_id
from rule
join rule_type on rule_type.rule_type_id = rule.rule_type_id
where rule.user_id = 1
--Update table with any available values
update #user_rules
set rule_value = ur.rule_value
from user u
join manager m on u.manager_id = m.manager_id
join rule ur on ur.user_id = u.user_id or (ur.manager_id = man.manager_id and ur.user_id is null)
join rule_type urt on urt.rule_type_id = ur.rule_type_id
where urt.rule_type_id = #urse_rules.rule_type_id
and u.user_id = @user_id
Matt Ellen