apologies for the somewhat confusing title :-) Basically, I've configured my Selenium tests to run through JUnit when I build the project through maven. If I start my Selenium Server in a command prompt and then run the maven build goal in another cmd prompt then the tests runs as expected.
I figured that this process would be easy to implement in Hudson but it has proven quite problematic. I can start my selenium server as before and then configure the build to kick off via a hudson job. However, hudson doesn't seem to be picking up the selenium server - I get an error message which says the following:
Unable to obtain goal [test:test]
The reason I think that hudson isn't contacting the selenium server is because when I run the junit tests through my own command prompt with my server stopped, I get the same error message.
Its also important to note that I used to use the seleniumHQ plugin for hudson to run my tests using html files - but wish to change to JUnit as its more flexible.
Any help on this is very much appreciated!
Thanks, Gearoid.