I've got a webservice which expects a parameter of type "xs:base64Binary" - this is a file to store in the database.
I'm trying to consume the service using PHP 5's native webservice classes. I've tried a few things:
// Get the posted file
$file = file_get_contents($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']);
// Add the file, encoding it as a base64
$parameters = array("fileBytes" => base64_encode($file));
// Call the webservice
$response = $client->attachFile($parameters);
The result is an error saying "Bad Request." If the file is a text file and I don't base64_encode, it works fine. Problem results when posting a binary file such as an image.
Anyone know the trick here?
Also problematic is if I encode the text file, it seems to work but of course it's encoded and ends up being junk once downloaded and viewed again (i.e, the text is encoded and doesn't seem to get de-coded by the server).