




How to to configure apache + mod_lisp + clisp and set up a "Hello World!"? I couldn't find any complete howto on the subject. Thanks.

Edit: Vebjorn's solution works, but then I don't how to code the "hello world!". Can anyone tell me how to proceed? There's something like SWANKing the clisp, then connect to it with SLIME, but then when I launch mod_lisp's demo, the test page is not served and my slime doesn't return?

Thanks again.


This article seems to be a fairly thorough "how-to" guide to set up Common Lisp on Apache using mod_lisp2.

If all has gone as planned, you should now have a Common Lisp app server running behind Apache

Thanks but I want to use clisp and your solution uses sbcl. There should be not much differences though.
+1  A: 

What backend are you using? If none, I would suggest trying Hunchentoot or, even better, UCW.

Both of those links will take you to the installation instructions, ending with a Hello World kind of page.

+1  A: 
  1. Download http://www.fractalconcept.com:8000/public/open-source/mod_lisp/mod_lisp.c
  2. Compile and install Apache module with sudo apxs -i -c mod_lisp.c
  3. Add the following to your httpd.conf:
    LoadModule lisp_module libexec/httpd/mod_lisp.so
    AddModule mod_lisp.c
    LispServer 3000 "foo"
    <Location /foo>
      SetHandler lisp-handler
  4. Restart apache with sudo apachectl restart
  5. Download example of Lisp-side handling in CLISP: http://www.fractalconcept.com/fcweb/download/modlisp-clisp.lisp
  6. Start CLISP and evaluate:

    (load "modlisp-clisp")
  7. Point your browser to http://localhost/foo. You should see:

mod_lisp 2.0

This is a constant html string sent by mod_lisp 2.0 + CLISP + apache + Linux

Vebjorn Ljosa