
You can just use a lookup object to get the values:

var lookup = {
    1: 'PLAY',
    2: 'HEAL',
    3: 'RELAX'

And then in your slide function set the value from that object:

slide: function(event, ui) {

That will make the #style_type get PLAY, HEAL or RELAX as value depending on the slider. Is this what you meant?

Tatu Ulmanen
Yes!! I'm a bit of a noob though - how would I go about implementing that into my code?
I understand to amend the slide: function. But I'm usure where to add the lookup object??
Right got it working... with one flaw...How can I get the value to appear in the #style_type as the lookup object by default?At moment it only displays as 1 then does as I want when the slider is moved.Code is now:-<script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var lookup = { 1: 'PLAY', 2: 'HEAL', 3: 'RELAX'} $("#slider_style").slider( { value:1, min: 1, max: 3, step: 1, slide: function(event, ui) { $('#style_type').val(lookup[ui.value]);} }); $("#style_type").val( $("#slider_style").slider("value") ); }); </script>
Before `$("#slider_style").slider...` row, add `$('#style_type').val(lookup[2]);`, as you have 2 as the default value in the slider. If it helps you, don't forget to +1 and set this answer as accepted.
Tatu Ulmanen
Cheers! I moved the $('#style_type').val(lookup[2]); to below the row $("#style_type").val( $("#slider_style").slider("value") ); and this works fine!
tried to plus one but it won't let me - I'm too new... massive thanks though.