



Based on the responses to a previous question, I've created a category on UIImageView for extracting pixel data. This works fine in the simulator, but not when deployed to the device. I should say not always -- the odd thing is that it does fetch the correct pixel colour if point.x == point.y; otherwise, it gives me pixel data for a pixel on the other side of that line, as if mirrored. (So a tap on a pixel in the lower-right corner of the image gives me the pixel data for a corresponding pixel in the upper-left, but tapping on a pixel in the lower-left corner returns the correct pixel colour). The touch coordinates (CGPoint) are correct.

What am I doing wrong?

Here's my code:

@interface UIImageView (PixelColor)
- (UIColor*)getRGBPixelColorAtPoint:(CGPoint)point;

@implementation UIImageView (PixelColor)

- (UIColor*)getRGBPixelColorAtPoint:(CGPoint)point
    UIColor* color = nil;

    CGImageRef cgImage = [self.image CGImage];
    size_t width = CGImageGetWidth(cgImage);
    size_t height = CGImageGetHeight(cgImage);
    NSUInteger x = (NSUInteger)floor(point.x);
    NSUInteger y = height - (NSUInteger)floor(point.y);

    if ((x < width) && (y < height))
     CGDataProviderRef provider = CGImageGetDataProvider(cgImage);
     CFDataRef bitmapData = CGDataProviderCopyData(provider);
     const UInt8* data = CFDataGetBytePtr(bitmapData);
     size_t offset = ((width * y) + x) * 4;
     UInt8 red = data[offset];
     UInt8 blue = data[offset+1];
     UInt8 green = data[offset+2];
     UInt8 alpha = data[offset+3];
     color = [UIColor colorWithRed:red/255.0f green:green/255.0f blue:blue/255.0f alpha:alpha/255.0f];

    return color;

You could try the following alternative approach:

  • create a CGBitmapContext
  • draw the image into the context
  • call CGBitmapContextGetData on the context to get the underlying data
  • work out your offset into the raw data (based on how you created the bitmap context)
  • extract the value

This approach works for me on the simulator and device.

Andrew Ebling
I'm trying to avoid that because of the overhead involved (this function could be called more than one a second)
Shaggy Frog
You could cache the raw data, then the overhead is reduced to an array lookup, unless the image is continually changing.
Andrew Ebling
That's true. However, I still would like to know what the underlying problem is in my code above.
Shaggy Frog
+1  A: 

I think R B G is wrong. You have:

UInt8 red =   data[offset];     
UInt8 blue =  data[offset+1];
UInt8 green = data[offset+2];

But don't you really mean R G B?:

UInt8 red =   data[offset];     
UInt8 green = data[offset+1];
UInt8 blue =  data[offset+2];

But even with that fixed there's still a problem as it turns out Apple byte swaps (great article) the R and B values when on the device, but not when on the simulator.

I had a similar simulator/device issue with a PNG's pixel buffer returned by CFDataGetBytePtr.

This resolved the issue for me:

        UInt8 red =   data[offset];
        UInt8 green = data[offset + 1];
        UInt8 blue =  data[offset + 2];
        //on device
        UInt8 blue =  data[offset];       //notice red and blue are swapped
        UInt8 green = data[offset + 1];
        UInt8 red =   data[offset + 2];

Not sure if this will fix your issue, but your misbehaving code looks close to what mine looked like before I fixed it.

One last thing: I believe the simulator will let you access your pixel buffer data[] even after CFRelease(bitmapData) is called. On the device this is not the case in my experience. Your code shouldn't be affected, but in case this helps someone else I thought I'd mention it.

Took me some time to finally get back to this, but your code was bang-on. The combination of mixing up G and B, and not knowing about the byte ordering change Xcode does behind the scenes, was a fatal combination.
Shaggy Frog