Cache the results of your GPS data query in a file or database (sqlite) along with a datetime.
You can then do a datetime check against the last cached datetime to initiate another GPS data query.
You'll probably run into concurrency issues with cgi and the datetime check though...
To get around concurrency issues, you can use sqlite, and put the write in a try/except.
Here's a sample cache implementation using sqlite.
import datetime
import sqlite3
class GpsCache(object):
db_path = 'gps_cache.db'
def __init__(self):
self.con = sqlite3.connect(self.db_path)
self.cur = self.con.cursor()
def _get_period(self, dt=None):
'''normalize time to 15 minute periods'''
if dt.minute < 15:
minute_period = 0
elif 15 <= dt.minute < 30:
minute_period = 15
elif 30 <= dt_minute < 45:
minute_period = 30
elif 45 <= dt_minute:
minute_period = 25
period_dt = datetime.datetime(year=dt.year, month=dt.month,, hour=dt.hour, minute=minute_period)
return period_dt
def get_cache(dt=None):
period_dt = self._get_period(dt)
select_sql = 'SELECT * FROM GPS_CACHE WHERE date_time = "%s";' % period_dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
result = self.cur.fetchone()[0]
return result
def put_cache(dt=None, data=None):
period_dt = self._get_period(dt)
insert_sql = 'INSERT ....' # edit to your table structure
except sqlite3.OperationalError:
# assume db is being updated by another process with the current resutls and ignore
So we have the cache tool now the implementation side.
You'll want to check the cache first then if it's not 'fresh' (doens't return anything), go grab the data using your current method. Then cache the data you grabbed.
you should probably organize this better, but you should get the general idea here.
Using this sample, you just replace your current calls to 'remote_get_gps_data' with 'get_gps_data'.
from gps_cacher import GpsCache
def remote_get_gps_data():
# your function here
return data
def get_gps_data():
data = None
gps_cache = GpsCache()
current_dt =
cached_data = gps_cache.get_cache(current_dt)
if cached_data:
data = cached_data
data = remote_get_gps_data()
gps_cache.put_cache(current_dt, data)
return data