I've used the dvipng route several times before, but in python. It's a common path, that lots of people have taken. Here's the code, to give you something to get started, and in case anyone wants Python code. I do realise you asked for C/C++; this is for a starter, or for others. This is for generating equations, but it would be trivial to adapt it for more general structures. It does support packages.
In terms of integrating it transparently, I feel your pain. Not everyone has tex / latex of course, and if they don't, it's often a pain to get. The best way to do it, I think, is to provide that functionality as a web service - but of course that's not always an option.
Finally, note all the options for dvipng. They control the appearance, via various anti-alisaing options etc. I tuned them extensively to get what I thought looked good.
def geneq(f, eq, dpi, wl, outname, packages):
# First check if there is an existing file.
eqname = os.path.join(f.eqdir, outname + '.png')
# Open tex file.
tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
fd, texfile = tempfile.mkstemp('.tex', '', tempdir, True)
basefile = texfile[:-4]
g = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
preamble = '\documentclass{article}\n'
for p in packages:
preamble += '\usepackage{%s}\n' % p
preamble += '\pagestyle{empty}\n\\begin{document}\n'
# Write the equation itself.
if wl:
g.write('\\[%s\\]' % eq)
g.write('$%s$' % eq)
# Finish off the tex file.
exts = ['.tex', '.aux', '.dvi', '.log']
# Generate the DVI file
latexcmd = 'latex -file-line-error-style -interaction=nonstopmode ' + \
'-output-directory %s %s' % (tempdir, texfile)
p = Popen(latexcmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
rc = p.wait()
if rc != 0:
for l in p.stdout.readlines():
print ' ' + l.rstrip()
raise Exception('latex error')
dvifile = basefile + '.dvi'
dvicmd = 'dvipng --freetype0 -Q 9 -z 3 --depth -q -T tight -D %i -bg Transparent -o %s %s' % (dpi, eqname, dvifile)
# discard warnings, as well.
p = Popen(dvicmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
rc = p.wait()
if rc != 0:
print p.stderr.readlines()
raise Exception('dvipng error')
depth = int(p.stdout.readlines()[-1].split('=')[-1])
# Clean up.
for ext in exts:
g = basefile + ext
if os.path.exists(g):