



I use ASM (some), C, js, lua, Python, Ruby, Perl, Objective-C, Java and a couple of shell variants on a daily basis.

I also know, or have looked into golang, C++, PHP and maybe others I forgot.

I have been coding for 15 years now, and I'm looking at something fun to learn, I don't mean something useful for business, but something interesting and refreshing for the mind.

Any idea?

+4  A: 

Haskell, Common Lisp/Scheme

+9  A: 

Haskell. What else?

Thomas Jung
Maybe Nescafé ?
+5  A: 

Functional programming languages : OCaml or F#


mayby Go! - refreshing for the mind an You can just test something new.

Go is so not interesting. Its 90% hype and 10% useful
Robert Gould
For me everything that's new is interesting. Doesn't look at Go! yet but I will definetly do it!
+3  A: 


Alex Brasetvik
+4  A: 

Something like Prolog or Erlang. Something that doesn't follow the same sort of imperative model that the other languages in your experience have.

Paul Butcher
Yeah erlang totally rocked my world. Its eye opening to imperative programmers. Haven't tried prolog but I think that is the next language on my list to learn now :)
Robert Gould
+4  A: 
  • F#, Haskell, Erlang - for a bit of functional fun.
  • Scala, Nemerle - great hybrids between functional and object oriented.
  • Brainfuck - Just for fun.
  • Malbolage - if you like the pain. ;)
Maximilian Mayerl
+1  A: 

You don't have Perl in your list, yet it's a very useful and broadly used language. Not sure I'd call it refreshing, but it's worth learning and playing with ;-)

Also, functional programming language such as Ocaml might be fun to learn, it's a different approach to programming.

Forgot that one.
AWK is a nice Perl to learn IMHO.
Robert Gould
s**t the question closed before I could add perl6 to the list. It's truly different.

I would recommend this book:

Bastien Léonard

try fortran, widley spread on the big old boxes

A: It's one of the scariest geekiest languages known to man, if you want yourself a really hard challenge. It doesn't have much use, aside from bragging power; )

Mark Mayo