



We are starting Lunch and Learn sessions at my work.

The format we have is - we collectively watch a video from infoQ and then discuss what the presentation or whatever we watched

I am looking for suggestion on some good videos that are out there.

We are a Java shop- so Java and related technologies would be good and also on Architecture, good practices, Design principles etc.

We recently watched

And I have one more in mind

Please post your favorite videos here


That sounds like a great idea, If you've managed to get a room for this and some interested people then I wouldn't just restrict yourselves to Java. Why not try a 15 minute video about a different language like Rubyology or Python Osmosis? It might not be immediately valuable but it might help spark up some new ideas. If you wanted to go completely off topic there is of course TED.

I'd also try getting someone different each week to pick a topic they are interested in and discuss that. That's worked quite well for me in the past.

Yeah- we intend to do that as wellWe will probably watch something on Grails,JRuby and or Spring roo as well