



I'm doing post graduation in computer science. In the second semester I wish to do a game in C or C++ so that I can apply my knowledge in these languages and this will add to my existing knowledge about these languages. Please suggest to me a good topic and a brief description about it. I have one of my classmates with me to do the project.

+3  A: 

You should take a look at roguelike games. They focus more on code and gameplay than good looking graphics, which make then well suited for this type of game.

Here is a website that can give a much better description than I:

Shawn B
+1  A: 

Choose a simple board game, for instance backgammon, and see if you can make it beat you.

+4  A: 

Global Thermonuclear War

Dewayne Christensen
You mean like this one:
Didier Trosset
No. Global Thermonuclear War is from a a movie, from a movie *War Games*, see
Thomas Matthews
+1  A: 

How about a game by lab pixies called Flood It! It's a gadget on iGoogle

alt text

Nick U
+1  A: 

I'd start with Noughts and Crosses, then move it into 3D. Should be able to easily generate an optimal solution for the former, before tackling the latter.

Robert Grant
In America, this is also known as Tic-Tac-Toe.
Thomas Matthews
Yeah, that's what I linked to with Wikipedia. Couldn't be bothered to find the noughts and crosses link that redirects to it :)
Robert Grant
+2  A: 

This is highly dependent on which skills you wish to develop. Graphics, networking, AI, etc...

+2  A: 

I'd say it depends on what skill you want to show/work on :

  • A tetris clone can be good choice if you want to throw in some graphics and animation.

  • A board game such as reversi or checkers if you want a go at Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning

  • A simple wargame or trade simulation could make a good data structures/random numbers exercise

Yann Semet
There are also pattern recognition games, such as *Eliza*; which can be used for AI research.
Thomas Matthews
+2  A: 

The exact game doesn't matter. It's the goal of learning by writing the game that matters and thus the answers to the question should, I think, focus on underlying features and functions rather than the exact game.

It sounds like you're looking to stretch your abilities a bit, so ask yourself what it is that you don't know that you'd like to learn more about and try to come up with a game whose creation will challenge you in those areas. There's lots of places you can go from there. If you're not really "up" on real-time graphics work you can come up with something that's very visual and requires some interesting pixel-tweaking. If you want to learn about rule-based logic (expert systems) come up with a semi-strategic game that pits the human player against a machine player. Etc, etc. The game is simply a vehicle to give you some motivation for learning something.

Bob Jarvis