



I want to write a PLSQL stored procedure that accepts a table name as argument. This table is source table. Now inside my procedure i want to manipulate the fields of that table. EX: I want to insert the records of this source table into another target table whose name is XYZ_<source table name>. The column names for source and target tables are the same. But there may be some extra fields in target table. How do i do it? The order of column names is not same.

+1  A: 

You can do this using Dynamic SQL. Here's a link with basic info on Oracle Dynamic SQL

Deepak Singh Rawat
+1 correct. One can't use query parameters for table names, so dynamic SQL is the only solution.
Bill Karwin
+4  A: 

You will have to build the INSERT statement dynamically.

create or replace procedure gen_insert 
   (p_src_table in user_tables.table_name%type
    , p_no_of_rows out pls_integer) 
    col_str varchar2(16000);
    for rec in ( select column_name
                        , column_id
                 from user_tab_columns
                 where table_name = p_src_table
                 order by column_id )
        if rec.column_id != 1 then
            col_str := col_str || ',' || rec.column_name;
            col_str := rec.column_name;
        end if:
    end loop;
    execute immediate 'insert into xyz_' || p_src_table || '('
                           || col_str || ')'
                           || ' select ' || col_str 
                           || ' from ' || p_src_table;
    p_no_of_rows := sql%rowcount;

Obviously you may want to include some error handling and other improvements.


Having edited your question I see you have a special requirement for naming the target table which was obscured by the SO formatting.

@apc: Theat was great.Thanks a lot.