Hello All,
I am having a table orders
orders (
id int unsigned not null,
fcr_date TIMESTAMP,
completion_date TIMESTAMP,
factory_no varchar(255),
vendor_no varchar(255))
Please ignore the data type typos if any.
I want to write a sql query that helps me filter the data per vendor factory. The data to fetch includes the number of orders per vendor factory(a unique group of vendor_no, factory_no), vendor_no, factory_no and the percentage of orders for which fcr_date is greater than completion_date(so percentage = number of orders where fcr_date is greater than completion date / count of orders). After that i need to filter the data where percentage is greater than say 20%.
I wrote the following query:
SELECT vendor_no As vendor,
factory_no As factory,
COUNT(1) as count,
SUM(CASE WHEN fcr_date > completion_date THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as filter_orders,
ROUND(filter_orders / count * 100, 4) as percent
FROM @orders
GROUP BY vendor_no,
HAVING percent>20
but postgresql complains that it needs to have a column called percent in table to filter the results based on that. Any help is appreciated.