You can't pass a socket handle between Java processes using the normal API as far as I can tell. However, it does seem to be possible on windows using the Winsock 2 API. On Posix you should be able to fork a child process with access to the parent socket, since forked processes inherit the parent's sockets.
You could, I think, implement a new SocketImpl class which supports moving a socket handle to another process, but you'd need to write some JNI code to do it.
Sounds pretty hairy to me, I doubt forking a new process from within Java is a good idea!
Another approach might be to spawn a new 'listener' process which is essentially a new pre-forked worker. Each worker could then take turns to listen to the socket for connections.
The workers would then need to coordinate with a control process which manages spawning new processes as needed.
I agree with @Bozho, if an error in one thread can take them all down (I guess it would have to be a JVM exception killing the whole app) you have a bigger problem. You should look at isolating the threads if possible.