I have a C/C++ program which is a Firefox plugin. I'm trying to find the version number resource.
In my plist I have: Bundle versions string, short set to 5.09b and bundle version to 1.0
In my .rsrc file (yes, I'm still using rsrc files, it's not my fault.) my vers resource has a short string of 4.70
When I compile, the version on the .app file is 5.09b
When I run the program, I do:
CFBundleRef myAppsBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
bundleVersion = (CFStringRef) CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(myAppsBundle, CFSTR("CFBundleShortVersionString"));
CFStringGetCString(bundleVersion, verString, sizeof(verString), kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
printf("bundleversion is %s\n", verString);
and it gives me 3.5.6. previously, it was giving me 3.5.5.
I've done a bunch of searches through my code, and can't find "3.5.5" anywhere. And the code above works in other projects.