How would I go about interacting with an existing executable on Windows CE using the Compact Framework?
I figure I am overlooking something simple.
Here is the scenario:
I am trying to write a small app to do some common functions such as creating a user with a specified password.
The windows directory has a few executeables which I would like to use. The one I am having trouble with is "passwd.exe"
This executable is not able to be used by just passing it args. It prompts for input.
Example of use:
input> passwd.exe MyUser
output> Current Password: [wait for input]
output> New Password: [wait for input]
output> Retype Password: [wait for input]
So I have seen some similar uses of System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo in non-mobile framework but this doesn't seem to be an option the Compact Framework.
Thanks in advance!