Is it possible to write an Antlr code generation target for Erlang?
Erlang comes with its own parse tools. They use their own syntax though, so you cant take a grammar file from antlr.
2009-12-20 11:17:18
Sure, ANTLR is general purpose. If you really wanna do that, you should take a look at the Core Erlang language specification. Be warned that it is quite old, but should be okay for a starter.
2009-12-20 12:26:18
It is **much** nicer to generate Core erlang than normal erlang as it is a smaller simpler language. I do it for LFE. The main problem is that it is not as stable as erlang as they tend to view it as an internal compiler pass. I am trying to get them to change that though.
2009-12-22 00:18:38
It depends what you mean. If you mean you want to generate parser & lexer source files in Erlang, then no, this is not possible (at least, not out of the box*). Checkout the current list of targets for ANTLR:
* You could be the one implementing it, of course. But that's no trivial task!
Bart Kiers
2009-12-20 12:41:24