




Hello my friends, I want to use the fact that on two tables t1 and t2 I can make an inner join with on t1.colum1>t2.colum2 to calculate the maximum drawdown of a return vector. The problem is that an inner join is only possible with two stored databases or tables and I wanted to do it selecting just a part of the tables.

Is there any other possibility, I am totally new to sql and I can't find any other option?

Thank you


before manipulating my inner join to be able to calculate my maximum drawdown I have to be able to make this inner join on a selection on the tables and not the tables themselves. So I followed Mark's advice but I am still getting an error. Here is my query:

select * 
from (select * from bars where rownum <= 10 as x)as tab1
inner join (select * from bars where rownum <= 10  as y) as tab2
on tab1.x=tab2.y

The error is ora-00907 missing right parenthesis

  • additional information extracted from OP's message published as answer to this post. *

(inner) join is not limited to whole tables.

just somebody
+6  A: 

You can inner join on subselects too, you just need to give the subselects an alias:

ON T1.X = T2.Y

If you post your non-working query, I can give you a better answer more tailored to your exact tables.

Mark Byers
Hi Mark, I did this query, using an alias, but it returned me an error saying that the tables were not found
by the way i did this at work, is there a way to install something similar to dbartisan and download a database so I can train at home? thank you
Can you update the question to include your broken query that gives this error? It's a lot easier to figure out where you're going wrong if I can see how far you have gotten so far.
Mark Byers

Mark I have a doubt now reading your answer again...I did the first alias you do in the subquery but i didn't do the second alias, i don't understand it..it is like you are making two times an alias...I am going to try this tomorrow and will return you the result around 9 am ny time. Thank you a lot!

ok sorry this is the first time I am posting, I am learning

I got a definition of maximum drawdown from an investment website (thanks Google!). So I think we need to calculate the percentage drop between the highest point in a graph and its subsequent lowest point.

The following query calculates the maximum drawdown on investments in Oracle stock over the last twelve months. It joins the investments table to itself, with aliases to distinguish the versions of the table (one for the highest peak, one for the lowest trough). This may not mirror your precise business logic, but it shows the SQL techniques which Oracle offers you.

select round(((max_return-min_return)/max_return)*100, 2) as max_drawdown
    ( select max(t1.return_amt) as max_return
             , min(t2.return_amt) as min_return
      from investments t1
           join  investments t2
           on ( t1.stock_id = 'ORCL'
                and   t2.stock_id = t1.stock_id
                and   t2.created_date > t1.created_date )
      where t1.created_date >= add_months(sysdate, -12)
      and t2.created_date >= add_months(sysdate, -12)

This query will return zero if the stock has not experienced a drop during the window. It also does not check for a following upturn (as I understand drawdown it is supposed to be the bottom of a trough, a point we can only establish once the stock has started to climb again).

With regard to training at home, we can download software from Oracle TechNet for that purpose. If bandwidth or disk space are an issue go for the Express Edition; it doesn't have all the features but you probably won't want them for a while yet. Oracle do provide a free IDE, SQL Developer. As its name suggests it is primarily targeted at developers but it has many of the DBA-oriented features of DB Artisan. For full-on database management Oracle offers Enterprise Manager.


In the comments outis suggests

You could add a t1.return_amt > t2.return_amt in the join as a minor optimization

I think it is unlikely that return_amt would be indexed, so I think it is unlikely that such a clause would have an impact on performance. What it would do is change the behaviour for stocks which do not have a drawdown. The query I presented returns zero for stocks which have increased continuously through the time window. The additional filter would return a NULL in such a case. Which is the more desirable outcome is a matter of taste (or requirements spec).

You could add a `t1.return_amt > t2.return_amt` in the join as a minor optimization.
As I look at it, I don't think the query will work, since `max(t1.return_amt)` might be from a different row than `min(t2.return_amt)`, which undoes the `t2.created_date > t1.created_date`. Instead, try a `max(t1.return_amt - t2.return_amt)` column in the inner select.
Since the default join is an inner join, wouldn't a stock with no drawdown result in an empty result set in the inner SELECT, rather than a row with NULLs, causing the outer SELECT to also have an empty result set?
@Outis - no because the query uses aggregate functions, which always return a row.

Hello guys, before manipulating my inner join to be able to calculate my maximum drawdown I have to be able to make this inner join on a selection on the tables and not the tables themselves. So I followed Mark's advices but I am still getting an error, here is my query: select * from (select * from bars where rownum <= 10 as x)as tab1 inner join (select * from bars where rownum <= 10 as y) as tab2 on tab1.x=tab2.y The error is ora-00907 missing right parenthesis Thank you

You really need to learn to *edit* your original post instead of posting a response. It makes life hard for people who are trying to help you.
Ok guys I solved this, the following query worked:select *from (select * from bars where rownum <= 10) tab1inner join (select * from bars where rownum <= 10) tab2on tab1.close=tab2.closeIt looks like that i couldn't use the "as" to make an alias, I don't understand that in oracle because sometimes I can use the as some others I can't
Hi apc, I will try to do it properly from now
@iracema78280: it's not too late for this question. You can edit the question (though there's not much to do after APC's edit), and delete both your spurious "answers".