Hi All, I have an iPhone app and I want to get a list of co-ords that are clickable by a user. I want to automate testing and have a client app click around on screen but just choosing random coords isn't ideal so a list of coords that are definitely clickable would be much better.
So far I have this the view passed in is top level window:
getSubViewsCoords:(UIView *)view {
iAppDelegate* appDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
for (UIView *tempView in [view subviews]) {
// check if view responds to touch i.e. is an interactive view.
// go up through responder chain
// check if it reacts
// if it does then add to the gorilla's list
UIView *responderObj = tempView;
while (responderObj = [responderObj nextResponder]) {
if([responderObj respondsToSelector:@selector(touchesBegan:withEvent:)]){
// get xy etc and add to instance var
//then recall this function
// convert to top level windows co-ordinate system.
CGRect viewRect = [tempView convertRect:[tempView bounds] toView:nil];
clickableAreas = [clickableAreas stringByAppendingString: NSStringFromCGRect(viewRect)];
clickableAreas = [clickableAreas stringByAppendingString: @"\n"];
[self getSubViewsCoords:tempView];
Is this the correct way to go about it? Is there an easier way to get this information?
Thanks in advance for your help.