My current project got 2 modules ModuleA and ModuleB, inside ModuleA and ModuleB got a class call 'Student' (same class name same attributes, but for some purpose ModuleA must call ModuleB to do the actual task) . They communicate to each other through Web Services. Now I want ModuleA WS will call ModuleB proxy to do the actual task.
In my ModuleA WS I got a method to create a record.
public void createStudent(ModuleA.Student student){
// Here will call ModuleB proxy to do the actual task which is create.
*moduleBFacade().createStudent( );*
In my ModuleB Proxy
public void createStudent(ModuleB.Student student){}
So now the problem is I can not pass in the moduleA object into the createStudent method as it take in moduleB object.
Any idea how to deal this problem? Please give me some suggestion.