is there a way to add a specific directory to the Windows systemvariable %PATH%? This doesn't seem to work:
String[] cmd = { "cmd", "/c", "set", "PATH=\"%PATH%;c:\\test\"" };
Runtime.getRuntime().exec( cmd );
c:\test\ doesn't appear in System.getenv("PATH"); or in the output of
String[] cmd = { "cmd", "/c", "echo", "%PATH%" };
Runtime.getRuntime().exec( cmd );
What I need is to modify the %PATH%-variable for the current Java-Process under Windows. The reason is, that I need to load some native dll-files which cross-reference each other. So I'd like to add the application-path to the Windows environment.
The next thing I tried was a small JNI-Wrapper for the C-Function "putenv" which looks like this:
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_splitscreen_AppletTest_PutEnv_putEnv
(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jstring val) {
jboolean iscopy;
const char *mvalue = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(
env, val, &iscopy);
This is how I call it:
final String curPath = System.getenv( "PATH" );
final PutEnv pe = new PutEnv();
pe.putEnv( "PATH=" + curPath + ";c:\test" );
final String newPath = System.getenv( "PATH" );
System.out.println( newPath );
But the pathes are equal. I'm not sure whether the Map of the Java-System-Environment isn't updated or whether putenv didn't work. Is there a way to check this?