



I'm always open to using new frameworks, especially if they allow greater flexibility when the need arises to make changes and additions.

At the same time I don't want to add an additional layer of complexity unless it's use is warranted.

Has anyone used the asaplibrary recently on a project? Was it useful? Would you use it again?


I've never used asaplibrary (simply because I didn't know it existed), but from a quick overview of the documentation/reference, it looks quite useful. NotificationCenter is neat all by itself.

That said, I would be hesitant to use all of its functionality without weighing other libraries against it for performance (i.e.: It has some animation functionality, but you'd be silly not to be using TweenLite/TweenMax/etc. for that task).


i suggest you to look into splinklibrary, splinkresource and deepsplink as i am the author of these libraries/frameworks.


At disturb most of the projects we used to do in as2 were done using ASAP. OOP friendly in a way no many other as2 framework were. We haven't used much of it in as3, as some projects use PureMVC, Cairngorm even or tiny bespoke MVC implementations.

I am not up to date with the as3 version as I said, but I hope is as good as the as2 one. Gaia caught my eye lately though, it seems to integrate nicely with the IDE as well.

This might not be that useful, as I didn't actually answer you question and pointed you to a different framework, but these are my 2 pence.

George Profenza