thanks for your answer .
please keep your attenation for it .
i develop in mac ,the os version=10.5.8
the more source-code as belowed:
// serialTest.m
// qt_simulator
// Created by diags on 12/17/09.
// Copyright 2009 Foxconn. All rights reserved.
import "serialTest.h"
@implementation serialTest
[super init] ;
filehandle = nil ;
mythread = nil ;
bEnable = false ;
NSString *temp = @"/dev/cu.usbserial-A8003ROM" ;
[self configSerialPort] ;
filehandle = [[NSFileHandle alloc] initWithFileDescriptor:filedescription closeOnDealloc:YES ] ;
if (filehandle==nil)
NSLog(@"\n---obtain the serial port fail 2\n");
return self ;
NSLog(@"\n---obtain the serial port successful ,filedescripter =%d\n",[filehandle fileDescriptor]);
mythread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(filehandleThread) object:nil ] ;
/notification test start/
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(fileHandleDataAvailable:) name:nil object:filehandle] ;
/notification test end/
[filehandle acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify];
return self ;
bEnable = false ;
[mythread cancel] ;
[mythread release] ;
[filehandle closeFile] ;
[filehandle release] ;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObject:self] ;
[super dealloc] ;
while (bEnable)
if 0
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init] ;
NSDate *temp ;
temp =[filehandle readDataToEndOfFile] ;
if (temp ==nil)
[pool release] ;
continue ;
if ([temp length]>0)
NSLog(@"\n---giga---receive data length=%d\n",[temp length]) ;
NSString *strTmp = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:temp encoding:1];
[textview insertText:strTmp] ;
[strTmp release] ;
[pool release ] ;
[filehandle readInBackgroundAndNotify] ;
//NSLog(@"\n---giga---receive data \n");
-(IBAction) btn_start:(id)sender
bEnable = true ;
[mythread start] ;
bEnable = false ;
[mythread cancel] ;
filedescription = open("/dev/cu.usbserial-A8003ROM",O_RDWR|O_NOCTTY|O_NDELAY|O_EXLOCK) ;
//filedescription = open("/dev/cu.usbserial-A8003ROM",O_ASYNC|O_EVTONLY) ;
tcgetattr(filedescription,&serialOption) ;
cfsetispeed(&serialOption, B115200) ;
cfsetospeed(&serialOption, B115200) ;
serialOption.c_cflag &=~PARENB ;
serialOption.c_cflag &=~CSTOP ;
serialOption.c_cflag &=~CSIZE ;
serialOption.c_cflag |=CS8 ;
serialOption.c_cc[VMIN] = 0 ;
serialOption.c_cc[VTIME] = 1 ;
serialOption.c_cflag |=(CLOCAL|CREAD) ;
if (tcsetattr(filedescription,TCSANOW,&serialOption)!=0 )
NSLog(@"\n configure serial port fail filedescript =%d\n",filedescription );
return ;
NSLog(@"\n configure serial port successful filedescript =%d\n",filedescription );
return ;
- (void)fileHandleDataAvailable:(NSNotification*)note ;
NSLog(@"\n----giga giga receive notification-----notification=%@---\n",note);