



What I'm doing is this:

  • I get a list of ID values (numeric) from the DB and store it into an array (1, 2, 2, ...)
  • I then count the duplicates with array_count_values. this outputs ([1]=>1, [2]=>2, ...)
  • I then want to reorder the array in a descending order via the count
  • I then just use array_keys($array) to get the IDs in a count ordered list.

I once used array_multisort for a similar function but in that case the keys were strings ('a'=>2). The problem now is that I'm using numeric keys and multisort re-indexes the keys to 1, 2, 3 because the keys holding the count value are numeric IDs. This of course screws the purpose 'cause I can't identify anything anymore..

Anyway, here's what I'm roughly doing now:

$array = array(3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3);
// count the IDs [0]=>3, [1]=>1, [2]=>2

$count = array_count_values($array);

// sort and screw up the id's: [0]=>3 [1]=>1 [2]=>2

Something tells me that there's a better way of approaching this?

+4  A: 

Try asort instead of array_multisort as it maintains the original index association.

Thanks... that was simple but is there any easy way to sort it in a descending list? My original use of multisort was because of this.
@transient-jet-lag: You can either use `arsort` (`r`=reverse) or use `array_reverse` after `asort`.
+1  A: 

Guessing from your first sentence:

I get a list of ID values (numeric) from the DB and store it into an array (1, 2, 2, ...)

perhaps you could do the sorting whilst querying, something like this:

SELECT id, COUNT(id) AS quantity FROM table GROUP BY id ORDER BY quantity DESC
Hey, thanks. There you go, I always miss the most obvious thing.
Yeah you did, but giving a detailed background on the question is the next best thing :)

Why do you need to do it with php? Change your SQL statement to give you the correct results. something like

select ID, count(another_col) as occurrence
from table
group by ID
sort by occurrence

For the right SQL syntax see

edit: ups missed the sorting criteria. It must be by occurrence and not by ID

Peter Schuetze
For the right SQL syntax see ;-)
You are rigth, with group by it needs to be order by. How can I have missed that? ;)
Peter Schuetze

As others mentioned, if you can get the data sorted from the database, it might be better. If You want to do it in PHP and need reversed order, use [arsort][1].
